*The colored areas of the map above represent parishes with currently known records for the given species (Source: Jeff Boundy, LA Dept. of Wildlife and Fisheries). By no means does it represent the full range of the species in the state, nor does it necessarily mean that a species can be found throughout the parish with the record. This is provided as a guide to where you might be able to find these species in the state and to aid in identification. A descriptive explanation of the range of each species can be found in the text below.
Other Common Names:
Subspecies: Only the Stripe-necked Musk Turtle, Sternotherus minor peltifer, occurs within Louisiana.
Similar Species:
Species Range:
Louisiana Range: Known only from Washington Parish in the extreme eastern Florida Parishes.
Natural History:
Best Time and Place to Observe:
Global Conservation Status: Loggerhead Musk Turtles are listed as Least Concern by the IUCN Red List. Their NatureServe Global Conservation Status Rank is G5 (Secure).
Federal Conservation Status: None
Louisiana Conservation Status: Loggerhead Musk Turtles have a ranking of S1 (critically imperiled because of extreme rarity – 5 or fewer known extant populations) in Louisiana.
*** If you live in the range of this species in Louisiana and believe you may have observed this species please let me know (take a picture if possible), as there may be more unknown populations in the state.***
Author's Remarks: After much effort, I was finally successful trapping a couple individuals of this rare species in Louisiana from a creek in Washington Parish in 2023, and again we got two in 2024.