Spotted Salamander - Ambystoma maculatum


*The colored areas of the map above represent parishes with currently known records for the given species
 (Source: Jeff Boundy, LA Dept. of Wildlife and Fisheries). By no means does it represent the full range of the species in the state, nor does it necessarily mean that a species can be found throughout the parish with the record. This is provided as a guide to where you might be able to find these species in the state and to aid in identification. A descriptive explanation of the range of each species can be found in the text below.

Other Common Names: 

Subspecies: No subspecies recognized.


Similar Species: 

Species Range: 

Louisiana Range:  Central and northern Louisiana as well as the Florida Parishes, but absent along the coastal parishes and uncommon in parishes of the Mississippi River floodplain.


Natural History: 

Best Time and Place to Observe:

Global Conservation Status:  Spotted Salamanders have a relatively wide distribution in eastern North America and a presumed large population, and thus, are listed as Least Concern by the IUCN Red List. Their NatureServe Global Conservation Status Rank is G5 (Secure).

Federal Conservation Status:  None

Louisiana Conservation Status:  Spotted Salamanders do not have any special status in Louisiana.

Author's Remarks: I have only found this species in Louisiana from Kisatchie National Forest in Natchitoches, Vernon, Raides, and Grant Parishes. I found this species outside KNF in late 2019 at Walter B. Jacobs Park in Caddo Parish, and in late 2022 at Sicily Island Hills WMA, and finally in the Florida Parishes in Tangipahoa Parish in 2024.

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